How to get from Regina to Minot by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Regina and Minot is 344 kilometers (213 miles).
Driving distance from Regina to Minot is 408 kilometers (253 miles)
Route Map
Routes from regina-saskatchewan to minot-north-dakota
4 Ways from Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan) to Minot (United States/North Dakota)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 2 m
2. Turn left onto 12th Avenue 57 m
3. Turn left onto Albert Street 187 m
4. Turn left onto Victoria Avenue 2.43 km
5. Keep right onto Arcola Avenue 140.75 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan) to Minot (United States/North Dakota)?
How do I get from Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan) to Minot (United States/North Dakota) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan) to Minot (United States/North Dakota)?
Trips from Regina
ReginaOshkoshReginaMoose JawReginaRapid CityReginaNew OrleansReginaBozemanReginaLondonReginaChilliwackReginaBrandonReginaSeattleTrips to Minot (United States/North Dakota)
Sioux FallsMinotBozemanMinotBismarckMinotBottineauMinotDetroit Lakes StationMinotReginaMinotGrand ForksMinotMissoulaMinotNew YorkMinotInformation about Stations
All station in Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Regina International Airport Regina All station in Minot (United States/North Dakota)
Minot Minot Station