How to get from Xi'an to Dunhuang by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Xi'an and Dunhuang is 2322 kilometers (1440 miles).
Driving distance from Xi'an to Dunhuang is 2800 kilometers (1736 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Xi'an (China/Liaoning) to Dunhuang (China/Gansu)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto 库二线, S211 718 m
2. Turn right 372 m
3. Keep left 45.18 km
4. Keep left onto 丹锡高速, G16 269.82 km
5. Keep left onto 京哈高速, G1, AH1 253.41 km
6. Keep right 275 m
7. Keep right 28.43 km
8. Keep right 288 m
9. Keep right 80.04 km
10. Keep left onto 京藏高速, G6 55.20 km
11. Keep right 284.16 km
12. Keep left onto G6 440.96 km
13. Keep right 980.43 km
14. Keep right 1.83 km
15. Turn left onto G215 155.97 km
16. Continue 364 m
17. Turn left 276 m
18. Keep right 77.44 km
19. Keep right 983 m
20. Continue onto 313国道, G313 253 m
21. Continue onto S314 13.66 km
22. Keep left onto 313国道, G313 568 m
23. Keep right 101.00 km
24. Keep right 1.48 km
25. Turn left onto G215 4.44 km
26. Continue onto G215(旧) 2.36 km
27. Keep left 847 m
28. Keep right 37 m
29. Turn slight right onto 阳关中路 215 m
30. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Xi'an (China/Liaoning) to Dunhuang (China/Gansu)?
How do I get from Xi'an (China/Liaoning) to Dunhuang (China/Gansu) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Xi'an (China/Liaoning) to Dunhuang (China/Gansu)?

Trips to Dunhuang (China/Gansu)
