How to get from Bareilly to Budaun by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Bareilly and Budaun is 46 kilometers (29 miles).
Driving distance from Bareilly to Budaun is 47 kilometers (29 miles)
Route Map
Routes from bareilly-uttar-pradesh to budaun-uttar-pradesh
4 Ways from Bareilly (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. At roundabout, take exit 3 1.17 km
2. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto SH33 46.83 km
3. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Bareilly (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh)?
How do I get from Bareilly (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Bareilly (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh)?
Trips from Bareilly
BareillyAgraBareillyMauBareillyDehradunBareillyUjjainBareillyNew DelhiBareillyGwaliorBareillyGuwahatiBareillyPrayagrajBareillyChandausiTrips to Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh)
KanpurBudaunAgraBudaunGwaliorBudaunNew DelhiBudaunLucknowBudaunMehandipur BalajiBudaunBareillyBudaunKashmiri GateBudaunAnand Vihar TerminalBudaunInformation about Stations
All station in Bareilly (India/Uttar Pradesh)
Bareilly Junction Bareilly StationBareilly City Bareilly StationIzatnagar Junction Bareilly StationRamganga Bareilly StationClutter Buck Ganj BareillyParsa Khera Bareilly Station All station in Budaun (India/Uttar Pradesh)
Budaun Budaun StationSheikhupur Budaun Station