How to get from Matsuyama to Kochi by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Matsuyama and Kochi is 78 kilometers (48 miles).
Driving distance from Matsuyama to Kochi is 116 kilometers (72 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Matsuyama (Japan/四国 (Shikoku)) to Kochi (Japan/四国 (Shikoku))

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 91 m
2. Turn left onto 松山市道 市役所前天山線 240 m
3. Turn left onto 千舟町高岡線, 千舟町通り 522 m
4. Turn right onto 松山市道 市役所前天山線 1.66 km
5. Continue onto 松山南道路, 33, 379, 440 4.28 km
6. Continue onto 砥部道路, 33, 379, 440 5.12 km
7. Continue onto 国道33号, 33, 440 5.45 km
8. Turn right onto 三坂道路, 33 7.52 km
9. Turn right onto 国道33号, 33, 440 4.88 km
10. Turn left onto 西条久万線, 12 14.88 km
11. Turn right onto 国道494号, 494 23.24 km
12. Turn left 92 m
13. Turn left onto 国道439号, 439 13.24 km
14. Turn right onto 国道194号, 194 25.95 km
15. Turn left onto 国道33号, 33, 194 4.24 km
16. Keep right onto 高知西バイパス, 33 56 m
17. Continue onto 梅ノ辻朝倉線, 274 311 m
18. Turn left 153 m
19. Turn slight right 28 m
20. Keep left 156 m
21. Turn left 182 m
22. Turn right 99 m
23. Turn left 34 m
24. Turn right 689 m
25. Turn left 918 m
26. Turn right 1.94 km
27. Turn left 31 m
28. Turn right 649 m
29. Turn right 25 m
30. Turn left 38 m
31. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Matsuyama (Japan/四国 (Shikoku)) to Kochi (Japan/四国 (Shikoku))?
How do I get from Matsuyama (Japan/四国 (Shikoku)) to Kochi (Japan/四国 (Shikoku)) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Matsuyama (Japan/四国 (Shikoku)) to Kochi (Japan/四国 (Shikoku))?

Trips to Kochi (Japan/四国 (Shikoku))
