How to get from Osaka to Izumo by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Osaka and Izumo is 261 kilometers (162 miles).
Driving distance from Osaka to Izumo is 328 kilometers (203 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Izumo (Japan/Shimane)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto 御堂筋, 25, 26, 165 1.35 km
2. Turn right 199 m
3. Keep right onto 中央大通 154 m
4. Keep right 652 m
5. Keep right onto 阪神高速3号神戸線, 3 63.71 km
6. Keep left 236 m
7. Turn left onto 志染土山線, 514 363 m
8. Turn right onto 国道2号, 2 521 m
9. Turn sharp left onto 別府平岡線, 553 1.36 km
10. Turn left onto 別府平岡線, 553 902 m
11. Turn left onto 別府平岡線, 553 98 m
12. Turn right onto 国道250号, 250 11.22 km
13. Keep right 1.86 km
14. Keep left 1.08 km
15. Keep left onto 播但連絡道路 16.20 km
16. Keep left onto 播但連絡道路 外側線, 国道312号バイパス, E95 1.42 km
17. Turn left 388 m
18. Keep left 95.18 km
19. Keep left 66.65 km
20. Keep left 4.07 km
21. Keep left 531 m
22. Turn slight left onto 山陰自動車道, E9 31.18 km
23. Keep left 25.57 km
24. Turn left onto 国道184号, 184 3.43 km
25. Turn left onto 出雲市停車場線, 27 195 m
26. Turn right 42 m
27. Turn right 114 m
28. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Izumo (Japan/Shimane)?
How do I get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Izumo (Japan/Shimane) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Izumo (Japan/Shimane)?

Trips to Izumo (Japan/Shimane)
