How to get from Abuja to Accra by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Abuja and Accra is 933 kilometers (578 miles).
Driving distance from Abuja to Accra is 1201 kilometers (745 miles)
Route Map
Routes from abuja-federal-capital-territory to accra-greater-accra
4 Ways from Abuja (Nigeria/Federal Capital Territory) to Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 36 m
2. Turn left 132 m
3. Turn right 4.02 km
4. Keep right 623 m
5. Keep left 5.19 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Abuja (Nigeria/Federal Capital Territory) to Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)?
How do I get from Abuja (Nigeria/Federal Capital Territory) to Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Abuja (Nigeria/Federal Capital Territory) to Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)?
Trips from Abuja
AbujaPort HarcourtAbujaKanoAbujaLagosAbujaDubaiAbujaManchesterAbujaParisAbujaEnuguAbujaJosAbujaKigaliTrips to Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)
OdivelasAccraLagosAccraMadridAccraAbidjanAccraAbujaAccraCape CoastAccraFrankfurt am MainAccraCasablancaAccraTemaAccraInformation about Stations
All station in Abuja (Nigeria/Federal Capital Territory)
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport All station in Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)
Kotoka International Airport Accra