How to get from Bergen to Haugesund by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Bergen and Haugesund is 109 kilometers (68 miles).
Driving distance from Bergen to Haugesund is 138 kilometers (86 miles)
Route Map
Routes from bergen-hordaland to haugesund-rogaland
4 Ways from Bergen (Norway/Hordaland) to Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Torget, 577 112 m
2. Keep right onto Bryggesporden, 5342 29 m
3. Turn right onto Bryggesporden, 5342 14 m
4. Keep right onto Bryggesporden, 5340 400 m
5. Continue onto Kong Oscars gate, 585 205 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Bergen (Norway/Hordaland) to Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland)?
How do I get from Bergen (Norway/Hordaland) to Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Bergen (Norway/Hordaland) to Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland)?
Trips from Bergen
BergenKielBergenFlorenceBergenHelsinkiBergenDublinBergenSzczecinBergenCopenhagenBergenArendalBergenWarsawBergenOsloTrips to Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland)
GothenburgHaugesundBergenHaugesundHyllestadHaugesundBergenHaugesundHiregonigereHaugesundMukarabpurHaugesundOsloHaugesundTrolltungaHaugesundOther interesting routes
Aust-AgderBuskerudHordalandMore og RomsdalOpplandRogalandSogn og FjordaneTelemarkVest-AgderInformation about Stations
All station in Bergen (Norway/Hordaland)
Bergen Airport Bergen All station in Haugesund (Norway/Rogaland)
Haugesund Airport Haugesund