How to get from Parede to Chaves by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Parede and Chaves is 375 kilometers (233 miles).
Driving distance from Parede to Chaves is 481 kilometers (298 miles)
Route Map
Routes from parede-lisboa to chaves-vila-real
4 Ways from Parede (Portugal/Lisboa) to Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rua da Cidade de Évora 80 m
2. Turn left 18 m
3. Turn sharp right 84 m
4. Turn left onto Rua José Elias Garcia 98 m
5. Turn right onto Rua Febo Moniz 134 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Parede (Portugal/Lisboa) to Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)?
How do I get from Parede (Portugal/Lisboa) to Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Parede (Portugal/Lisboa) to Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)?
Trips from Parede
ParedeLisbonTrips to Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)
Viana do BoloChavesParedeChavesMirandelaChavesGondomarChavesEstorilChavesSantanderChavesQuarteiraChavesVila VerdeChavesFafeChavesInformation about Stations
All station in Parede (Portugal/Lisboa)
Cascais Municipal Aerodrome Parede All station in Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)
Chaves Airport Chaves