How to get from Seoul to Goyang by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Seoul and Goyang is 16 kilometers (10 miles).
Driving distance from Seoul to Goyang is 18 kilometers (11 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Seoul (South Korea/Seoul) to Goyang (South Korea/Gyeonggi)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto 세종대로20길 100 m
2. Turn right onto 세종대로 357 m
3. Turn left onto 새문안로, 6 28 m
4. Keep left onto 새문안로, 6 1.05 km
5. Turn right 64 m
6. Turn right onto 통일로 4.76 km
7. Turn left onto 은평로 769 m
8. Turn right onto 서오릉로 6.14 km
9. Continue onto 서오릉로, 363 997 m
10. Keep right onto 서오릉로 274 m
11. Turn slight right onto 서오릉로, 363 1.55 km
12. Turn slight right onto 고양대로, 356 860 m
13. Keep right onto 고양대로 271 m
14. Continue onto 고양대로 521 m
15. Turn right onto 원당로 74 m
16. Turn left onto 원당로33번길 165 m
17. Turn right 40 m
18. Turn left 56 m
19. Turn right onto 원당로33번길 53 m
20. Turn right onto 고양시청로 69 m
21. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Seoul (South Korea/Seoul) to Goyang (South Korea/Gyeonggi)?
How do I get from Seoul (South Korea/Seoul) to Goyang (South Korea/Gyeonggi) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Seoul (South Korea/Seoul) to Goyang (South Korea/Gyeonggi)?

Trips to Goyang (South Korea/Gyeonggi)

Seoul City HallGoyangGyeonggi-doGoyangSeoulGoyang