How to get from Seville to Badalona by rideshare, car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Seville and Badalona is 839 kilometers (520 miles).
Driving distance from Seville to Badalona is 1016 kilometers (630 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from seville-andalucia to badalona-cataluna

5 Ways from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Calle Jaén 123 m
2. Turn right onto Calle Méndez Núñez 137 m
3. Turn right onto Plaza de la Magdalena 180 m
4. Turn slight right onto Calle San Pablo 81 m
5. Turn right onto Calle Cristo del Calvario 104 m
6. Turn left onto Calle Canalejas 189 m
7. Turn right onto Calle Marqués de Paradas 98 m
8. Keep right onto Calle Marqués de Paradas 274 m
9. Turn left onto Calle San Laureano 43 m
10. Turn right onto Calle Torneo 1.40 km
11. Turn slight left 670 m
12. Turn right onto Calle José Díaz 798 m
13. Continue onto Calle Doctor Leal Castaño 338 m
14. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Ronda de Pío XII 964 m
15. Turn left onto Calle Carretera de Carmona 898 m
16. Continue onto Carretera de Carmona 173 m
17. Turn right onto Avenida Kansas City 726 m
18. Keep left 117.43 km
19. Keep right 315 m
20. Keep left 150 m
21. Keep left 233.08 km
22. Keep right 408 m
23. Keep right 280.66 km
24. Keep right 640 m
25. Keep left 789 m
26. Keep left 503 m
27. Keep left 37.55 km
28. Keep left onto Autopista del Mediterráneo, AP-7 307.95 km
29. Keep right onto Autopista de la Mediterrània, AP-7 11.23 km
30. Keep right 2.81 km
31. Keep right 1.31 km
32. Keep left 7.05 km
33. Keep left 1.44 km
34. Keep right 3.68 km
35. Keep right 483 m
36. Turn right onto Avinguda d'en Martí Pujol 1.15 km
37. Continue onto Avinguda d'en Martí Pujol 595 m
38. Turn left onto Carrer de Francesc Layret, N-II 244 m
39. Turn right onto Carrer de Sant Miquel 107 m
40. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna)?
How do I get from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna) the fastest?
How do I travel from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna) without a car?
How far is it from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna)?
How long does it take to get from Seville (Spain/Andalucia) to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna)?

Trips to Badalona (Spain/Cataluna)

SevilleBadalonaFuente del ArcoBadalona