How to get from Honolulu to Pearl City by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Honolulu and Pearl City is 16 kilometers (10 miles).
Driving distance from Honolulu to Pearl City is 18 kilometers (11 miles)

HonoluluPearl City
Leaving from
Going to

Route Map

Routes from honolulu-hawaii to pearl-city-hawaii

4 Ways from Honolulu (United States/Hawaii) to Pearl City (United States/Hawaii)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto South King Street 29 m
2. Keep right onto Kapiolani Boulevard 56 m
3. Turn left onto South Street 94 m
4. Keep left onto Alapai Street 263 m
5. Turn sharp left onto South Beretania Street 803 m
6. Turn right onto Queen Emma Street 430 m
7. Continue onto Pali Highway, HI 61 22 m
8. Turn left onto South Vineyard Boulevard, HI 98 3.31 km
9. Keep left onto Moanalua Freeway, I H201 1.94 km
10. Keep right 351 m
11. Keep left 4.07 km
12. Keep right 4.66 km
13. Keep right 610 m
14. Keep right 364 m
15. Turn left onto Hoomalu Street 758 m
16. Turn right onto Waimano Home Road 182 m
17. Turn left 42 m
18. Turn left 44 m
19. Turn right 74 m
20. Turn right 99 m
21. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Honolulu (United States/Hawaii) to Pearl City (United States/Hawaii)?
How do I get from Honolulu (United States/Hawaii) to Pearl City (United States/Hawaii) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Honolulu (United States/Hawaii) to Pearl City (United States/Hawaii)?

Trips to Pearl City (United States/Hawaii)

HonoluluPearl CitySunset BeachPearl CityAieaPearl City

Information about Stations

All station in Honolulu (United States/Hawaii)
Honolulu International Airport Station
All station in Pearl City (United States/Hawaii)
Kalauao / Pearlridge PearlHālawa / Aloha Stadium