How to get from Pine Castle to Roanoke by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Pine Castle and Roanoke is 987 kilometers (612 miles).
Driving distance from Pine Castle to Roanoke is 1160 kilometers (719 miles)

Pine CastleRoanoke
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Route Map

4 Ways from Pine Castle (United States/Florida) to Roanoke (United States/Virginia)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Wallace Street 44 m
2. Turn left onto Hansel Avenue, FL 527 1.60 km
3. Continue onto South Orange Avenue, FL 527 3.17 km
4. Turn left onto Michigan Street 1.27 km
5. Keep right 287 m
6. Keep right 81.00 km
7. Keep left 458 m
8. Keep left 1.92 km
9. Keep left 114.41 km
10. Keep right 489 m
11. Keep right 44.51 km
12. Keep right 351.70 km
13. Keep right 85.27 km
14. Keep right 1.30 km
15. Keep right 4.64 km
16. Keep right onto Lafayette Avenue 870 m
17. Turn left onto 12th Street, SC 35 1.18 km
18. Keep right onto Charleston Highway 305 m
19. Turn slight right onto Meeting Street, US 1 374 m
20. Turn left onto 9th Street 129 m
21. Keep right 2.06 km
22. Keep left onto Hampton Street, SC 12 196 m
23. Turn left onto Huger Street, US 21, US 176, US 321 760 m
24. Keep right onto US 21, US 176, US 321 1.72 km
25. Turn left onto Bull Street, US 76 147.82 km
26. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lanes, I 77 5.70 km
27. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lanes, I 77 4.43 km
28. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lanes, I 77 6.47 km
29. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lanes, I 77 4.28 km
30. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lanes, I 77 7.45 km
31. Keep left onto I 77 Express Lane, I 77 87.70 km
32. Keep right onto I 77 86.98 km
33. Keep right 99.18 km
34. Keep right 9.38 km
35. Keep right onto US 220 Business 179 m
36. Keep left onto US 220 Business 580 m
37. Turn right onto Campbell Avenue Southeast, US 11 260 m
38. Turn left onto South Jefferson Street 75 m
39. Turn right onto Kirk Avenue Southwest 75 m
40. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Pine Castle (United States/Florida) to Roanoke (United States/Virginia)?
How do I get from Pine Castle (United States/Florida) to Roanoke (United States/Virginia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Pine Castle (United States/Florida) to Roanoke (United States/Virginia)?

Trips to Roanoke (United States/Virginia)

WashingtonRoanokeWashingtonRoanokePine CastleRoanokeTampaRoanoke