How to get from Osaka to Wakayama by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Osaka and Wakayama is 59 kilometers (37 miles).
Driving distance from Osaka to Wakayama is 68 kilometers (42 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from osaka-kinki-region to wakayama-wakayama

4 Ways from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Wakayama (Japan/Wakayama)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto 御堂筋, 25, 26, 165 2.98 km
2. Turn right onto 主要地方道難波境川線 1.25 km
3. Turn left onto 新なにわ筋, 大阪臨海線, 29 40 m
4. Keep right 43.96 km
5. Turn left onto 東鳥取南海線, 256 1.13 km
6. Continue 12.92 km
7. Keep left 506 m
8. Turn right onto 小豆島船所線, 139 1.71 km
9. Turn left onto 有功天王線, 141 501 m
10. Turn right onto 有功天王線, 141 1.75 km
11. Turn right onto 国道24号, 24 890 m
12. Turn left onto 国道24号, 24 506 m
13. Continue onto 国道24号, 24, 26 16 m
14. Continue onto 築地通り 353 m
15. Turn left 82 m
16. Turn right 35 m
17. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Wakayama (Japan/Wakayama)?
How do I get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Wakayama (Japan/Wakayama) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Osaka (Japan/近畿 (Kinki Region)) to Wakayama (Japan/Wakayama)?

Trips to Wakayama (Japan/Wakayama)

OsakaWakayamaNamba StationWakayama